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Health Tips

Spring 2018 Health Tips

“Spring cleaning” can sound like an overwhelming task, but if you break it up into smaller, more manageable chunks it can be less daunting. Here are some cleaning tips with a healthy twist to help you tackle your spring to-do list.

1-Minute Tip: Replace your workout shoes. Old workout or running shoes may actually be doing you harm. The material, especially in the heel, loses its cushioning over time with use. Shoes should be replaced after every 400-600 miles of running or walking. If you run 50 to 60 miles per week, for example, you should replace your shoes every three months.

5-Minute Tip: Schedule screenings. Talk to your doctor about a screening plan that is suitable for you. In general, plan to get a colonoscopy at around 50 years old. Women should plan on a bone density screening after menopause, a PAP test every three years, and mammograms every two years. You should also get a dental exam every year.

15-Minute Tip: Clean out your medicine cabinet. Get rid of any medications that have passed their expiration dates. If you’re unsure, toss them if they smell bad or look off-color — for example, aspirin smells like vinegar when it gets old. Be sure to safely dispose of prescription medications by taking them to a local drug take-back location.

30-Minute Tip: Allergy-proof your house. Start by washing all linens and blankets – dust mites, a common allergen, love to hide in the fabric. Wipe down smooth surfaces, like window coverings and ceiling fan blades, with a cloth. Finally, remember to replace your furnace filter if you have forced air heating and air conditioning.


This article first appeared in the May 2018 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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